Friday, 27 July 2007

Things I will probably forget:

1. That rock in my shoe the other day.
2. This delicious peach that I'm eating right now, dusty skin and all.
3. The name of our 'scout,' or maid, which escapes me at the moment.
4. Act 1 Scene 7 of Cymbeline.
5. The clouds outside my window right now.
6. The time I went in town to buy an Oxford sweatshirt and lost my 5th nalgene.
7. Some of the more stupid things that I've said, which is a good thing.
8. Which english cathedral is which.
9. How many times I checked my email yesterday, 4.
10. Feeling depressed and crabby the other day.
11. Writing this list.
12. The names of several people who know me.
13. That time a few days ago when a song brought on that powerful sense of deja vu.
14. The many moments in-between, walking somewhere, sitting on a bus, waiting in line, listening to conversations.

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